Duplicant #1

  • Creator: Karla Nappi
  • Art: Marianna Strychowska
  • Letters: Josh Reed
  • Publisher: Second Sight Publishing

Holy shit! The society in this comic is pure insanity. People are literally getting their organs replaced with artificial ones created by a corporation. Imagine that for a second. God forbid, you have kidney failure and have to go to the damn Apple store for a replacement. There’s a lot of shady business going on and I don’t want no “parts” in it. See what I did there? For real though, this plot is wild as hell. The mystery looks to be one hell of a ride.

To say the story is timely would be an understatement. Technology is advancing at a rate, that our future could very well mimic the one in this comic. That is the magic of this unnerving concept. It rides the line of science fiction and reality so close that skateboarders envy the grind. Second Sight Publishing has hit the ground swinging and I’m here for it.

Duplicant can be ordered at your local comic shop -OR- by clicking here

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