Coming 2 America (2021) Review

Before Wakanda made it the big screen, there was Zamunda. Eddie Murphy reprises the role of Akeem, the ruler of the wealthy African nation. He is joined by his “trusted” companion, Semmi, who plays a larger role in this installment. There are new celebrity cameos and musical numbers galore. Ironically, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Coming 2 America has a bloated cast, which prevents a lot of the talent from being seen. Contemporary actors are forced to the background or used in one-off appearances with no lines. I loved the banter between the supporting characters throughout the film. As well as the callbacks from the original, blended together with clever editing. Meeka, Akeem’s daughter, is a delight to see on-screen. She has one of the most intriguing arcs of the story, which is abandoned in the first act.

Don’t get me wrong, there are more than a few laughs to be had. I feel like the comedy was handcuffed by virtual signaling. There’s not a single meme or quote I can take away from the film, such as the famous “Soul Glow” ads. Its safe to say, the raunchiness is scaled back for dramatic, heartfelt storytelling. Yes, this sequel subverts expectations but that doesn’t make it bad. In fact, it provides a needed layer to the simplicity of the first. I give it a 6 out of 10.

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